
Maria P - Wellington, Florida

"This is hands-down the best course, CE I have ever taken. We need to bring this to our entire office."

Sarah M - Champaign, Illinois

"This is an AWESOME program. Very timely and helpful. I would recommend it to ALL of my Clients & Coworkers!"

Melissa A

"This should be a required CE course. I'm all about personal safety. The more we know, the better we are prepared."

Christopher C - Lyman, South Carolina

"This program was probably the best Insurance related CE i have ever taken. Really on point"

Elizabeth S - Hardeeville, South Carolina

"This was a great class and presented very well."


"Thanks for the course!"

Lois B - Maitland, Florida

"This is one of the best CE courses I have ever taken. I've taken other Active Shooter courses but this far exceeds anything I have learned in the past."

Kellen L - Overland Park, Kansas

"This training is going to save countless lives!"

Mary F - Tulsa, Oklahoma

"This course was amazing! I will be purchasing kits for myself, my husband and my mom for her classroom! "

Felicia E - Ochelata, Oklahoma

"This information was amazing, I am very glad I didn't miss it"